07 June 2010

No Known Survivors

Here's an update on the second project that I'm trying to sandwich into the tail end of the semester. I started these six canvases a few months ago but they've since undergone some serious renovations. To be honest, I'm just having fun getting reacquainted with acrylics and banging out these G.I. Joe portraits. For some reason I find it 1000x easier to do photorealistic renditions with these paints than oils. And it's a nice bonus to not have to worry about chemicals or wait a day between layers.

I'm currently on a painting-a-day schedule since everything's due next week but it's not as bad as it sounds because, despite the time crunch, it's been quite a pleasant experience. I actually think that self-imposed pressure has helped, too, at least insofar as making me a bit more subconsciously decisive. It's kind of like when I drive to school -- since there's only 1 hour parking and I have to go out every so often to move the car, I find that I'm much more productive in terms of what I squeeze into every 60 minutes.

Anyways, that's all I got so far. I'll try to post as I go and take some better photos (those backgrounds are actually completely flat and tonally identical).

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