29 June 2009

May You Live In Interesting Times

The 1960s produced some of the most emotionally evocative imagery ever. This illustration is derived from a photo whose strong self-contained narrative appealed to me. Very powerful stuff.

I digitally cleaned up the drawing (read: Live Traced it) to compensate for the crappy ink that I use/can afford. Not sure if that's frowned down upon ... anyways, here's the original scan:

Recommended reading: Joe Haldeman's "1968", an account of the war fought on both Vietnamese soil and the American home front.


  1. That's a great drawing you got there. Very very strong. May i ask why you live traced instead of playing with levels in photoshop? just interested and no i don't think there is anything wrong with it! :D

  2. Hey maikeru nice stuff on your blog , keep up the good work and thanks for stopping by!


  3. Thanks guys, much appreciated.

    PJ: I was actually trying to open Photoshop but accidentally clicked on Illustrator. From there it was a spontaneous jump to Live Trace and I ended up liking the result. I dunno, with PS I can't seem to smooth the lines out as much as I'd like ...
